There are hidden potentials lying dormant in your production. Wake them up and unleash the effectiveness of your machines. With the I4_Suite you have a mature and ready-to-use solution.
Why the I4_Suite?
Intelligent optimization
instead of new investments.
Everyone is talking about Industry 4.0 and its possibilities: more data, more control, more productivity. And yet many hesitate before taking a forward step towards industrial digitisation. That is why we have completely reconceived Industry 4.0 - and made it easier and faster for you to access: With the I4_Suite you will maximize the availability of your production - and save yourself, for example, high levels of investment in new production plants.
With connyun’s I4_Suite you have a solution that can be integrated quickly and securely - codeless and just a click away. A solution that is precisely scalable to your production and grows with your needs. For which you only pay the amount you use. And which is so mature that you can get started straight away and increase your effectiveness. Start today.
Any more questions?
Please contact us.

Your benefits at a glance
Increase your effectiveness
with the I4_Suite.
Successful in use
Put your trust in a partner who is familiar with production – because we originally come from production. We at connyun have long since established the I4_Suite in production and offer you a mature solution that has proven itself in numerous companies.
Continuous enhancement
Every three months the I4_Suite offers you new, intuitively understandable functions - and keeps you up-to-date. Your approval is sufficient, because the I4_Suite is a cloud-based standard product. This gives you a clear advantage over project-related software and local on-premises solutions.
Ready for use in a matter of minutes
With the I4_Suite you have full data transparency in just a few minutes - so you can immediately increase your productivity. Commissioning works codelessly, i.e. simply by clicking and without programming language. And yet a further advantage: The I4_Suite automatically uses only the data you really need.
Integrated and
- System integration for automation
- Extraction of data from the fieldbus level into the cloud via OPC UA communication
- Evaluation and visualisation of data
Our customer - a system integrator from the automation sector for the automotive and food industry - commissioned connyun to develop a product for vertical integration. What was needed was a solution to extract information from the fieldbus level to a cloud application, locally or web-based. And, based on this, evaluations and visualisation of status and service.
As a software partner, connyun provided the infrastructure and connectivity and developed a detailed visualisation. This means that the system integrator and also, in future, the machine manufacturer can remotely call up information about machines via a cloud solution. The evaluations allow for excellent product monitoring and in so doing enable continuous improvements in machines and processes. The solution was transferred to a pilot operation.
- Digitisation of a collaborative robot
- End-to-end digitised production process
- Identification of unscheduled downtimes and increase in productivity
As an IT service provider and software partner, we were commissioned by our customer to digitise a collaborative robot for real-time monitoring at millisecond intervals. In addition to this, the focus was on the job status of the machine in order to gain a detailed insight into production capacity and jobs carried out.
Based on the newly installed OPC UA server, connyun enabled the customer to extract the necessary information in a targeted manner and make it available to the development team. The solution allows conclusions to be drawn about the behaviour of the machine during the execution of various jobs and also active monitoring in the event of the failure of individual components. Unscheduled downtimes are directly identified and productivity is increased.
From downtime to
an increase in productivity.
- Elimination of downtimes in a fully-automated station
- Data transparency via networking and implementation of a notification system
- Active evaluations of the system to increase productivity
The production managers and foremen of a medium-sized automation company were not sufficiently aware of the availability of a fully-automated station. Because the required output quantity was not being achieved, missing capacities had to be procured at great expense. They also found it difficult to ascertain what, of particular significance, had led to the station downtime.
connyun networked the entire station and all integrated machines. This made all relevant data transparent for evaluation. A notification system with escalation levels was also set up to report failures without delay. The causes of the downtimes were identified and rectified. Today, employees are actively working with the system to further increase productivity.
comes to the cloud.
- Automation of production process in the automotive industry
- Connecting the production station to a cloud-based IoT platform
- Implementation of a customised user interface
In the brake caliper production of a Tier 1 automotive supplier, the removal of body components and the assembly of conveyor belts was to be digitised. Connyun was commissioned to connect the station - two industrial robots, camera systems and other systems - to a cloud-based Industrial IoT platform and to implement a user interface that provides a meaningful and simple visualisation of the data.
Both requirements were successfully implemented. With the help of an OPC UA server and a device agent, the requirement to use only the customer's existing IT infrastructure was also fulfilled. The result is the real-time connection of the station to the connyun I4_Platform and the customization of the user interfaces of the connyun I4_Machine Optimizer and I4_Station Optimizer. The project will enter the productive phase after completion of the pilot operation.
Our customers
Industry 4.0 reconceived We are connyun.
connyun uniquely combines production know-how with specialist knowledge of the Internet of Things. The results are user-friendly products that make Industry 4.0 revolutionarily easy.
I4_Suite. Get real.
- +49 721 619 31 200
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